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Humanoid cyborgs known as "Snatcher" have been discovered killing and displacing people in a future East Asian city. The game's main character is Gillian Seed, an amnesiac who joins the anti-Snatcher movement in an effort to recover his past.

The majority of the game's controls are menus that let the player look at things, search rooms, talk to people, explore a large open world, and carry out other tasks.
Snatcher is a visual novel-influenced graphic adventure game. The player plays Gillian Seed as he investigates and pursues "dangerous cyborgs dressed as humans" as they prowl Neo Kobe City.

The images are primarily static, with a few animations at the top of the screen. There is no point-and-click interface; instead, all activities are carried out via a text menu with buttons like "move," "view," and other corresponding ones like "explore."

The game's easy puzzles and dialogue tree place a strong emphasis on linear storytelling. There are sometimes character panels below the main graphics window that show how the characters look when they are talking.

You can explore the game's partially open universe. In a number of action scenarios, the player fires at foes that are scattered across a 3x3 grid. These Lethal Enforcer game parts for the Sega CD featured the Justifier light pistol.

Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

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