Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001

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Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001

Play retro game Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 on your browser for free.  Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 is both a third-person shooter and a tower defense game. The series is like most run-and-gun games in that there are a lot of enemies and the player character has very strong weapons. In most run-and-gun games, hitting an enemy means death.

How to Play Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001

Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 is a run-and-gun game like Contra. Players take on the roles of Captain Marco Rossi and Lieutenant Tarma Roving of the Peregrine Falcon Strike Force and have to finish each mission by shooting a steady stream of enemies.

This is where players face a boss, who is usually a lot bigger and harder than regular enemies. As players progress through each level, they can find ways to improve their weapons and the game's namesake tanks. The tanks, which are called the SV-001 and SV-002, make the player more offensive and more defensive.

Players can not only shooting but also use a knife to hit a close-up. Coming into contact with enemies doesn't exterminate the player, and many of the enemies have melee weapons to match. A lot of the game's scenery can be destroyed, which can sometimes show extra items or power-ups.

During a level, the player will come across prisoners of war (POWs). If the player frees them, the POWs will give the player random items or guns as bonuses. When the level is over, the player gets extra points based on how many POWs they freed.

There are no more freed prisoners if the player expires before the end of the level. You lose a life when you get hit by enemy fire, hit solid stage objects, or fall off-stage. Once all of your lives are gone, the game is over unless you put more credits into the arcade machine to keep playing.


You only need a keyboard to play this game. It's as if your keyboard were a game controller.

After loading and welcoming the screen, press [Space-Bar] to add a coin and [ENTER] to start the game.

Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

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