Mega Man X4

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Mega Man X4

Play Mega Man X4 retro game on your browser for free. The fourth entry in the Mega Man action series, commonly known as the popular Rockman games, is Mega Man X4. With the help of two famous characters X and Zero, players will go on a thrilling adventure and defeat the evil Sigma.

How to play Mega Man X4

Go to the game interface, select the character then press the down key and space bar to change to character X. After going through the spider screen, follow the path leading to the doctor after going down the waterfall. Then you get armor by going to the capsule. From this point on, X's power has been multiplied many times over and when combined with the ability to dash forward, the ability to deal damage to opponents increases.

Megaman X4 is divided into two separate stories involving the characters X and Zero. Character choice itself also affects the number of times you will lose the game, in addition to replayability. Naturally, X attacks from afar with an X-buster, while Zero uses a close-range Z-Saber.

You are also aware of the importance of distance in battle. If you are new to Megaman for the first time, choose Character X. However, the difficulty continuously increases proportional to the character's appeal, so don't miss the opportunity to play as Zero.
Besides the Mega Man X4 game, you can play other games at Retro games Online.
You can also play Disney's Hercules game or Parappa the Rapper, which are both great and fun games.

Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

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