Crash Bandicoot

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Crash Bandicoot

Are you prepared to travel through space and time with Crash Bandicoot and Coco as they try to save the multiverse?

When the crazed geniuses Dr. Neo Cortex and Uka Uka create a rift in space, our favorite bandicoot is forced to traverse multiple dimensions in order to bring the universe back into equilibrium before it is too late.

Fight alongside them as they face off against foes in a variety of imaginative environments, such as jungles, temples, and other worlds, collecting crystals and vanquishing bosses along the way.

You are invited to accompany Crash Bandicoot and Coco on an incredible journey that will take you through many different dimensions of time and space.

Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

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