Zombie Mission 12

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Zombie Mission 12

The Zombie Mission 12 television series continues its adventures with its 12th episode. Adventure carries on in a parallel reality in the wild west. The game now has additional vehicles, mechanics, and weapons.

Remember to ask the friendly drones and robotic horses that will be by your side for support. You can release prisoners, defeat bosses, claim your daily rewards, and enhance the Store as necessary using the in-game cash you earn.



Controls Guide

Player 1's action is "W, A, S, D" Hit: "C" A big hit is "Hold the C key and release." Grenade "V." Before jumping, reject "X" W (swim up/walk on the wall).Weapon switch: "Q-E" or "Q+E" "ARROW KEYS" should be moved for Player 2 during Special Offense (when the bar is full).

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