Factory Panic (Europe)

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Factory Panic (Europe)

A line of people in need waits outside a gate at the bottom of the screen as bread, meat, medical supplies, Game Gears, and other goods travel on conveyor belts. Each individual requires a unique item. Gorby may send the right item to the right person at the right moment by rerouting the right thing at the right time.
Gorby activates a switch to rotate a conveyor belt junction on some levels, while in others, he rearranges conduits to create or destroy links between conveyor belts. Gorby must step on switches or put conduits quickly enough to route the items on the network of conveyor belts—while simultaneously fending off the factory's security guards—in order to deliver each person what they've been waiting for. He must also stay away from
avoid sending the people hazards, like moldy bread or poison.
Once Gorby has delivered the required item to each person in the queue, he advances to a more challenging game level. Sending people dangers, such as stale bread or poison, is not a good idea.
Gorby moves to a more difficult game level once he has given the appropriate item to each person in the queue.

Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

Category and Tags

game gearsega

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