Super Smash Bros. (USA)

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Super Smash Bros. (USA)

A classic version of the video game Super Smash Bros. (USA) exists. The Super Smash Bros. series differs from other fighting games in that it raises the opponent's health bar rather than depleting it.

How to play

Find a way to get antagonistic characters out of a level. With each hit, each player sustains total damage, expressed as a percentage, which can increase up to a maximum of 999%. As this percentage increases, attacks will throw the character into the air. The stage is an open area with open limits, and the only way to take down (KO) an opponent is to fly them off the edge.

Some characters have a longer leap range and may recover more rapidly than others. A character who has been knocked off the stage may attempt to climb back on by jumping. The different body weights of the characters also make it harder for heavier opponents to be thrown off the edge but easier for them to recover from afterward.

Check out the newest entries in our series, such Tekken 3 and Parappa The Rapper, right away if you're a fan of retro games.


Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

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