Smash Remix 1.0.1

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Smash Remix 1.0.1

Smash Remix 1.0.1 is a very nice game that a lot of people like to play. Instead of defeating their opponents by draining their life bars, players try to knock their opponents off the stage and outside the lines.

How to play

Characters can increase their overall damage by up to 999 percent as a percentage of their initial damage. As a character's percentage goes up, attacks from enemies have a chance of killing them.

To defeat the foe, the player must strike the character outside the boundaries of the level in any direction. When a character is removed from the stage, they might try to "recover" by reentering using their dance moves.

Some stage characters recover more quickly than others due to their movements and abilities. Some characters are lighter than others in weight, making them simpler to launch.

You can play here if you are a fan of retro games online and are interested in taking on newer titles such as Disney's Hercules and Parappa The Rapper. Good Fun


Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

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