Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warriors (K)(ProjectG)

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Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warriors (K)(ProjectG)

The venerable game Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warriors (K)(ProjectG) is now playable for free online (ProjectG).
Even if the gameplay is traditional, you'll still have a lot of fun playing this game.
Many Dragon Ball Z characters have distinctive moves in the fighting game for the NDS.
Two Dragon Ball Z characters are pitted against one another in a huge environment where they fight mostly in the air.

A player can charge their ki in order to fire a ki blast and make melee assaults stronger and more effective. Each character also has three unique "Definitive" skills that deal colossal damage to foes.

There are three "levels" for each character, each of which increases strength and, on occasion, modifies the character's appearance and functional range. In story mode, this is used to imitate characters who are stronger or weaker than their opponents.

Gohan has the ability to become a Super Saiyan 2. If he is the last fighter left in the squad, he will get a flashing blue sprite and increased speed.


Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

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