Bee Movie Game (USA)

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Bee Movie Game (USA)

A bee named Barry B. Benson is the subject of the Bee Movie Game (USA), a game with traditional gameplay. It has a manager that oversees the bees' production of honey, which transports you to New York City and other places. Master the hive's regret and leave the hive to face the challenges and dangers of the outer world.
Drive trucks, cabs, racing automobiles, scooters, etc.
Fly, hover and move quickly through the air
Chase cars and avoid gridlock on New York's streets.
Time management and slowing through bee input
To start a chain reaction, buzz around. Utilize your Pollinator Gun to eliminate the threat.
Play multiplayer minigames and compete.
Play classic arcades, racing, and puzzle games to earn bonus points.

Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

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